April 7, 2004



Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut nut nut nut. Munyu munyu munyu! Munyu munyu munyu! Munyo munyo munyo munyo munyo munyo munyo!

Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny. Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny. Sid Sid Sid! Sid Sid Sid Sid Sid Sid Sid Sid Sid Sid.

Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut.

Fuck fuck Bush! Fuck fuck Bush! Fuck fuck Bush! Fuck fuck Bush! Bush Bush Bush mush mush mush! mush!

Nut nut nut nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut! Nut nut nut. Nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut.

"Gitchi", according to early interviews and playlists, is a corruption of "Kitchi". "Kitchi" is short for "Kitchigai", a derogative name for a person who is insane. Kitchigai:
Johnny is probably Johnny Rotten
Sid is probably Sid Vicious
Bush is probably President Bush, elder, who was in power at the time of the song's writing

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Posted on April 7, 2004 9:02 AM
Lost Seattle
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Copyright Rob Ketcherside; contact roket swirly gwu.edu