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Seattle Clock Walk
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For Seattleite horological pedestrians

Bank of America Sign Clock

Downtown Walk > Clock #4
State Building Sign Clock

Directions: From F.X. McRory's, head north two blocks on Occidental Avenue to Main. Two minutes' walk.

Until recently this clock hung off of Bank of America branch in Pioneer Square. Currently (2015) the space is occupied by the London Plane restaurant. The structure is the historic State Building, built in 1890 the year after the Great Seattle Fire. The clock was made by the same manufacturer as the one you'll see later at the Sixth and Olive, O. B. McClintock, who manufactured many clocks for banks which are lovingly preserved today.

The clock chimes on the quarter hour.


Bank of America Sign Clock
F. X. McRory's Street Clock Previous was F. X. McRory's Street Clock
Earl Layman Street Clock Next is Earl Layman Street Clock